The Grid – Once More

I started this whole line of posts by talking about the grid through which we see life. My concern is that the world, the flesh, and the devil conspire to influence our thinking in the wrong direction. From the beginning of our lives, we are self-focused. We are frightened and needy. But we should grow out of that thinking. We should learn about the love of God and the provision and protection He gives.

The enemies of our souls, however, want us to remain as infants, frightened and needy. They don’t want us to know of victory and freedom and the bountiful blessings of God. They want us to be weak and easy to manipulate.

So, they provide a whole framework for us to use as we learn to walk in this world, to live this life. A grid, if you will, that colors or shapes our thinking. We look around in fear, because they have convinced us of rejection for poor performance. We doubt ourselves because we look at what we cannot do instead of looking to the Lord who can do anything. Just as Peter began to slip under the water when he thought about the impossibility of what he was doing, so we begin to slip when we take our eyes off Jesus.

So, let the love of God in Jesus be the grid through which you see your life and your walk. Every time something comes up to challenge your thinking, go quickly to the truth of His love. Whether it is trouble in the world, challenges in your family or job, or even doubts about your salvation, look to His love. Tell yourself the truth.

It is normal to question your salvation and your position in Christ. The enemies bring those thoughts to the front of our minds and reinforce them in what we see in this world. But, since it is normal, you can shake off those doubts and look again to Jesus.

There is a reason the Lord tells us over and over of His presence. We are filled with His Spirit. Jesus is always with us. The Father will never forsake us. The Scriptures say this in so many ways. He is present wherever you are, whatever you are doing. And in Him is your victory and peace.

I always tell people to start from what they know as they prepare to step into mysteries or troubles. There are some things that bother me, some unanswered prayers and questions. I don’t understand why certain things can’t be changed or made right (according to my idea of right). But I must always yield to what I know to be true, that Jesus loves me and loves those I love. He is great and good, and I can trust Him.

That’s the grid through which we have to view life. Life is filled with challenges and troubles. If we let it, life will bombard us with worries and fears. But always the love of Jesus is more powerful. Always the love of Jesus is the place to start our thinking.

And everything looks better through that grid!

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