When Narcissism Comes to Church

It’s Narcissist Friday!     

There comes a time when the writing has to be done! The book must be published! The new book, When Narcissism Comes to Church, is finally available on Amazon. It’s a book I have been working on for several years. I wasn’t quite sure how to approach the various facets of narcissistic relationships in the context of church life, but eventually, a unifying theme developed that allowed me to put everything together under a single message. That message is in the following excerpt:

“Narcissistic organizations and relationships share a common message to those on the “outside.” That message centers on the lack of value and personhood of others. The narcissistic friend or parent or spouse sees others as having purpose and worth only in service to the narcissist. The narcissistic organization categorizes people by usefulness, either to the leadership or to the organization. The message becomes: “Your identity matters only as you affect me (or the organization).” That identity can be positive or negative, but never separate from the narcissistic entity.
So, the narcissistic mother abuses the privacy of her daughter because she sees no value in the separate identity of the child. The narcissistic boss requires unreasonable commitment because he sees nothing in the separate life of the employee. The narcissistic organization gives its people numbers and quotas and positions which ignore any sense of individuality apart from usefulness and conformity. The narcissistic friend is a friend only if he or she is being served.

Terms of relationship, like friend or daughter or co-worker, mean little to the narcissist. They must always be secondary to the person’s value as servant. While this is difficult for people to hear, it explains much about the strange distance felt in the relationship. For the narcissist, there is little value in a person who is not useful. Relationships begin when usefulness is perceived and end when usefulness is completed. If one person’s usefulness is greater than another’s, the second person may be abandoned with no regret or responsibility felt by the narcissist. Thus, the boss can fire employees without compassion, the spouse can leave one partner for another, and the friend can simply move on. Even parents, when narcissistic, may choose to value one child over another or another child not at all.” (WNCtC , pp. 13-14)

Too many people have found the church, the institutional local church, to be uncaring and so wrapped up in preserving its image that it will support the abuser in hopes that the victim will just go away and be quiet. We saw another example of this in the news this past week. Another church worker abused a young girl, and the church leaders just moved him to another place. Why does this happen? How can this happen in the church?

The answer is this overwhelming concern for image. In their drive to be seen as superior, some churches would rather ignore the victims than deal with the scandal. When hurting people can be ignored for the sake of the superior image, that’s narcissism.

Christians expect to be able to go to church leadership when they are hurting. When they are pushed away, or sin is covered up, something is very wrong. Narcissism creeps in to depersonalize and victimize.

This book is about the underlying reason churches are less than helpful in family, friendship, or other narcissistic relationships. It is also about how organizations, even Christian organizations, can become narcissistic. It offers suggestions for avoiding this mindset in your church and what to do if it is already too late. And through the whole book is a not-so-subtle message of the love God has for all of His people.

I already have ideas for additional chapters and other things to add to the book, but it is listed on Amazon as a Kindle ebook as is. I am waiting for the proof copies to come and will publish it as a paperback in just a week or so. The link for the Kindle version is at the bottom of this page.  Just click on the picture.  I would love to read your comments!


But wait!  There’s more! I have finished a short devotional-style book to encourage you in your relationship with God and in your daily walk. I think you will be greatly blessed by these words of affirmation. And listen: it’s free! Until the end of the year, you will be able to download it right here as a pdf file. You should be able to read it on your tablet, your phone, or your computer. If you don’t have a way to read it, download the free Kindle app through Amazon.

All I ask is that you consider making a donation to this ministry. Our income has been greatly reduced over the last couple of years, and any gift would be appreciated. You are welcome to download the Words of Grace booklet whether you give or not, but please consider helping us out. After the end of the year, I will publish it on Amazon so that it will still be available, but this is my way of thanking all of you for your kind support over the years.  The link will take you to another page where you can just click on the small name, “Words of Grace,” and the pdf will be there for you.  You should have a download button in your browser.  There is also a link on that page for donations, which, of course, are tax-deductible.

Here’s the link:  https://graceformyheart.wordpress.com/words-of-grace

And, again, I would love your comments!

And here’s the link to the new book:


Filed under Narcissism

8 responses to “When Narcissism Comes to Church

  1. Penny

    Cannot wait to read your book! Congratulations, and THANK YOU for your years of insight and encouragement to those of us who frequent your blog. It has been a lifeline of hope & help. I literally was dying when I first found GFMH (6 years ago?) and the truth here was honey to my weary soul, Blessings on you this Christmas season.

  2. Fern

    Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to read it. Thank you so much for all you do!

  3. I’ll be ordering the paperback, most likely a few copies.
    There has been a significant event wrt catholic high officials. 3 have been “retired” from the inner circle in the past week. The Australian one has been accused in the “Ballarat” Royal Commission on institutional child abuse. Timely, this week a suppression order has been maintained as a “high profile figure has been convicted”, he has to be sentenced next February & faces another trial just after that. The internet is a useful as his identity was confirmed.
    This is the same man? who refused to return from the Vatican to give evidence, but crowd funding raised over $200 000 to get witnesses to the vatican for his evidence. Boy did that upset the poor poor man! The song writer & singer, Tim Minchin, was threatened with legal action, but I think that drove the fundraising effort.
    Whether he gets to spend time in jail is almost inconsequential, as exposing the evil, the narcissism is bringing relief to the victims, and to people like me who where raised as catholics but distanced ourselves because of the narcissistic organisation

  4. Lea Curtis

    I am so excited to read your new book! Thank you for taking the time to write what people need to understand. When you understand the truth and can figure out what is going on….it lifts burdens. I am so thankful that God has given you wisdom and understanding on this topic. May God richly bless you and open the eyes of all those who read it…and help them know how to deal with their individual situations that they are going through.

  5. Jen

    Dave, I can’t WAIT to read your book! I will have to wait a little longer for the paper copy to come out as I don’t use Kindle. I can’t thank you enough for addressing narcissism in church. I am a recent BSW graduate (summer 2018) and focused many of my assignments/projects around domestic violence/abuse in the church, specifically NPD abuse. I came out of an NPD abusive marriage in 2014. It’s been a journey, to say the least. I stayed in the marriage 14 years. One of the main reasons why I stayed so long is because of the church. Many churches/religions perpetuate abuse. As a Social Worker this is a topic I am passionate about and definitely not quiet about! I can’t thank you enough for your book and I downloaded the devotion. I look forward to starting that tomorrow! I found you back in 2009 or 2010 when I separated the 1st time from my ex-husband. I was researching all I could on narcissism as my mentor at the time told me, “knowledge is power.” I have gained so much knowledge and wisdom from you and have shared your blog with over a hundred women. Thank you, Dave. Thank you! I can and will never be able to thank you enough! ❤

  6. thea wiggins

    I purchased your book, can’t wait ro read it, and thank you so much for the grace devotional download! Blessings to you, and your family !:)

  7. Congratulations on finishing your book. I know what a labor of love that is. I’m encouraged to read it. This is something that is very much needed in the church! Thank you!

  8. I just realized that I had never commented here about the change of the name for this book. When I went to publish it, I was contacted by someone who claimed that name for his book. Rather than make an issue of who was first, I decided just to change the name to “Narcissism in the Church.” Not as catchy but to the point.

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