
Over the years, you and I have built support structures in our lives. Most of this was done unconsciously or even done for us. We were born into a family, and most families are supportive. We gained friends, earned degrees, built reputations, and more. All of these are parts of the wall of protection and well of resources of our lives.

When you enter into a narcissistic relationship, the narcissist must become the center of your attention. If there is support for you from someone or something else, he/she will want to separate you from that support. Little by little, you will find that support disappearing. Friends and family become distant, if not in actual miles, by heart separation. A common story is for the narcissist to persuade a spouse or victim to give up a good job or find work outside the field of training, just so that support can no longer be available. Moving away from familiar surroundings and supportive relationships is part of many stories.

In a right world, a local church would be part of that support structure. People who know and love you and walk with you as you follow Jesus. That’s in a right world.

But when the smoke clears, and you are able to assess what’s left after the narcissistic relationship, you may find that your church has also been damaged. It may no longer be filled with friends. You may be under “discipline.” Even the church becomes unavailable.

Somehow, even the choice of a church becomes part of the abuser’s strategy. Maybe you had to move to another community and leave a good church behind. Maybe the narcissist caused tensions or problems in your church until you felt it necessary to leave. Almost invariably, the church you end up in will be one that supports the narcissist over you. Usually this is some kind of patriarchal church that preaches submission and loyalty while ignoring abuse, but not always. Whatever the choice, it will benefit the narcissist.

I have heard stories of the “counseling” victims have received, advice and admonition from preachers, older believers, even church leaders to stay no matter what happens and submit no matter what is done. Some churches are actually parties to the abuse. In order to survive, victims must overcome even the counsel of their church friends. And that is more than hard; it is heart-breaking.

So, I have two things to say about that. First, it was part of the plan and part of the abuse to get you or find you in such a church. Second, you did nothing wrong when you left. Even if you didn’t leave on your own initiative, it is better for you to be out. But that leads me to two more things.

It was the church and the people of the church who turned you away, not the Lord. Some churches and some people love with conditions, “their way or the highway.” They only support anyone if that one does what is acceptable. But the Lord loves you just because He does. To Him, you have great value, and He has no plans to abandon you. So much of what you already know of Him is still true. So much of what you have believed is still right. It was the church and the people that were wrong.

Also, there are other churches, churches who trust Jesus and love people. Even if you have trouble finding one, church is second in importance to just walking daily with Jesus. You can still pray, still listen, still love. You can trust that He is with you. If He leads you to a church, go. Be careful, listen, but go expecting to be welcomed. And maybe you can begin by connecting with a small group of believers who care for each other. Be wise, but be open to receiving the love of Jesus through others.


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5 responses to “Church

  1. Kim

    Once again you’ve written about my entire life; isolation, not being allowed to work, a church that supported the narc. I’m still processing a 40 year marriage where I was bewildered most of the time. A beautiful childhood and good self esteem finally helped me get out and away from the constant infidelities. It was so twisted that even my grown children think I was the unhappy one, somehow it’s my fault. My maker is my husband now, Jesus walks with me and the Holy Spirit is with me daily. Thank you for bathing me in truth.

    • Verity

      God Bless u in your courage & fortitude to overcome & move on from a 40 year abusive nightmare. I fully understand your comment where the church supported your narcissistic husband & never u…

      I worked for many years with survivors (& their children) of Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence. As a Believer myself, but working in that professional field, it was Christian women clients that literally broke my heart (if anymore was possible in that line of work?!). They were treated abysmally by their home churches if they dared look for help from them. Those women who were strong enough (I pray for strength for all to seek safety), sought help outside those church “walls” of silence about abuse (at the very least) & those church “walls” of degrading mental cruelty heaped on top (at worst).

      Keep on keeping on bathing in the freedom of Christ x

  2. Verity

    “…go expecting to be welcomed [to a new church].” Absolutely this. That “expectation” is of God, not man. There is a huge difference…

    If u find that expectation of welcome is missing, that u find yourself somehow feeling an outcast, despite the enormous courage it may well have taken u to go to a new church, don’t lose heart, my friend.

    Jesus loved the outcast. He embraced them. He dined with them. He healed them. & He’s healing u in that “expectation” message from Pastor Dave, in more ways than u can ever imagine…

    Shake the dust from your feet & move on from wherever that God given expectation is not met. Let go & take courage from Him that He is with u & will never leave u. He has plans to grow u, nurture u & not diminish u. Dwell on this. Take Courage from this to go forward in a new way that was not possible before. U may have only known the expectation of rejection, breeding fear of more of the same wherever u may go. Especially if u r exhausted, lost yourself, after Narcissistic (& other forms of) abuse….

    God’s people choose to embrace the rejected, the ‘stranger’ amongst them, not shun them. You shall know them by their “fruit” of welcome. A welcome that flourishes u & will not wither away…

    It may take some time, or it may b sooner than u ever imagined it could b. Walk with Him & u will know the Truth. The Truth that sets u free to expect the “unexpected” good in life, the courage to hold your head up high & move on to where the good fruit grows.


  3. Hi Dave. Thanks for sharing another outstanding article based upon the wisdom Father has so freely given you! I wish it was easier to share your writings on social media. I don’t like the popular WordPress platform for this reason. It seems difficult and confusing to share on other groups and pages. 🙏

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